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1. Be Serious

 Maintain a professional demeanor and always dress appropriately when networking for effortless conversion. Know your product inside and out and be ready to answer any questions clients might have. Regular communication and updates keep the client in the know on any developments and they are able to make informed decisions.

2. Build Relationships

Position yourself as an expert who can genuinely help clients achieve their goals. Interact to understand their situation fully and look for areas where you can connect with clients on a personal level. Shared interests or experiences create a stronger bond providing valuable resources beyond finances and the initial scope. Go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service.

3. Maintain Relationships

Always follow through on commitments as reliability builds trust and credibility. Remember important dates like birthdays or anniversaries and acknowledge them with a personalized message or gifts. Often, ask for feedback on their experience with your product or service and use this feedback to make improvements. Be on the look out to address any issues or complaints and keep in touch with clients regularly.

4. Boldly Ask For More

The foundation of bold requests is a deep understanding of the value you bring. Research your product or service, understand its impact on clients, and be prepared to articulate how it solves their problems. Asking boldly for more ensures you can maximize sales and add value to your clients.

Through these structured steps, you can effectively sell, build, and maintain strong client relationships, and confidently ask for more when the opportunity presents itself.

Dr. Wachiuri is a celebrated author with three books to his name, including “Soaring like an Eagle,” “Unleash Your Full Potential,” and “After The Plunge.” He is also a philanthropist, motivational speaker, lecturer, and church elder.

For more information,

Contact Optiven at: 0790 300 300 / 0723 400500

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