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Good morning my great fans, today is a great day for us. It is the first day for the rest of our lives. Make use of it to the very best. It does not matter what you have, what situations you are undergoing and where you are. You can make your day shine, you can change the environment. Read Rom 8:28.
- Appreciate what God has given you – Count your blessings, your successes, gifts and all what you have. Your own life is just priceless. Do not focus on what you don’t have, what you lack or what you missed to get many years ago. All that is water under the bridge.
- Focus on the future – look at the great potential you have, look at what you can be able to do and do it. Do not wait, start doing it today. If you want to graduate with a degree by the year 2017, go pick those registration forms today and start going to that class. Oh George no fees and i have no time- this is a common story. What do you do after 5pm? Have you applied HELB loan? Please do not give excuses for mediocrity and laziness.
- Positive self talk – declare the day as a great day ever,view yourself as the best that God ever created. Go to the mirror and love yourself, declare yourself as a president of your life, appreciate your house, environment, you tribe, your country and all that matters to you. Positive mind leads to less stress and depression. Make a resolution not to hate yourself, not to condemn yourself, not to be depressed. YOU ARE NOT A COPY, YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL!
- Always smile, laugh, appreciate people, always be ready to help where you can – I say where you can because i am a victim of many of my fans asking me to offer them jobs, money, time for meetings, date, appointments and so on. I wish i could but time can’t allow and that’s why i dedicate my advise to be online through this blog
- Have Fun – Always create time to catch up and have fun. Create time with your family, your children, your friends and enjoy your life in a responsible manner. Always have fun and network- my self and some of my fans had amazing time in our office at Barclay’s Plaza and what pleased me is the level of networking among the fans.This is the way to move to the next level.
Have a cool day, full of fun. I value you! – your caring company that walk with you to own your own property, hustle free.