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We all aspire a better life that’s why we acquire knowledge through education. What can we do to change our lives for the better? The responsibility of making it possible is and lays squarely with you.

  • Prayers – God bring to life our desires. This is by having a personal relationship with God. Prayers have opened doors and opportunities. Through prayer you can overcome challenges.
  • Serve – Be there for others because life is not all about you. By being there for others gives you power and the value you add to the lives of others. The result is stronger relationships with others.
  • Visibility – Visibility creates opportunities for trust building, enhances collaboration and exposure to opportunities.
  • Attitude – No matter what you do attitude is everything and even more, a positive attitude. A positive attitude gives you the ability to work well with others and enhances your problem solving skills. Add this to a positive energy, and you will succeed.
  • Passion – This is the ingredient that puts it altogether. Passion enables you to do all you can to grow and improve. It also boosts your performance, outcomes and engagement, the result being increase in confidence, knowledgeable, and inspired.
  • Accountability – At the end of the day you are responsible for the decisions you make to be a person of value. Be relational not transactional.

George Wachiuri  is a leading Entrepreneur, a Published Author, Philanthropist, Youth Empowerment Enthusiast, a Family man and CEO of Optiven Group.

Contact Optiven Group
Tel: 0790 300300

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